What Does a Good Cybersecurity Strategy Look Like?
This 4-week video series for non-technical municipal leaders will teach you the components of a solid cybersecurity strategy.
[Video 4] Lead With Confidence
Cyberattacks are on the rise, despite increased spending on cybersecurity by municipalities. Why?
Many towns and cities invest in tactics, tools, and one-size-fits-all solutions—but quick fixes and often expensive tools that promise the world aren’t working.
You need a cybersecurity strategy to effectively defeat threats. During Cybersecurity Month in October, we will publish a series of short, non-technical videos that outline what your strategy needs.
- Week of October 2: What does good look like?
How do you know if your cybersecurity strategy is going to defend your organization from all the cyber threats pointed at government entities? Do you even have a strategy?
Find out where most municipalities fall short and why that creates gaps in security.
- Week of October 9: Identify
Identifying the different ways that your organization can be harmed by cyber criminals is vital to creating a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Is your concept of what you think you’re protecting too small?
Learn how to identify threats by considering the impact they would have on your organization.
- Week of October 16: Protect, Detect, Respond
How do you make sure you have everything that’s needed in an effective cybersecurity strategy without overspending?
Learn why protecting your IT systems is not enough and what you need to do to defend against modern cyber-criminal tactics.
- Week of October 23: Lead with Confidence
Our final video will paint a picture of how to provide leadership for cybersecurity when you’re non-technical. This isn’t about “knowing enough to be dangerous” or having an “IT guru” on standby.
Learn what you can provide your people to keep your municipality safe from cyber threats.
Feel like there are gaps in your current cybersecurity strategy? Want to lead security more effectively? Talk to one of our security experts about how to fortify your defenses!