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"VC3 has made it easier than ever before for our local government to serve our citizens by providing us with modern web tools and a team
of talented and courteous professionals."
City of Valdosta, GA

2023 Managed IT Services Cost & Pricing Guide

You’ve probably heard about how managed IT services saves businesses money and are wondering if that’s possible for your organization too. This guide will help walk you through different pricing strategies and costs you can expect.



Unpredictable Expense to Predictable Roadmap—the IT Budgeting Journey


Information technology is a critical part of a municipality’s annual spending. It’s important for towns and cities to flesh out a fairly detailed IT budget to help uncover inefficiencies, save money, and better execute operational goals.

Register for the upcoming webinar to learn:

  • Essential components of an IT budget
  • Tips on presenting IT budgets to council
  • IT budgeting examples

Who Should Attend: Mayors, Council members, City Administrators/Managers, City Clerks, Finance Officers


Want a predictable IT budget for your municipality?

Today, information technology and cybersecurity are a critical part of a municipality’s annual spending.

That’s why it’s important to flesh out a fairly detailed IT budget to help uncover inefficiencies, save money, stay secure and compliant, and better execute operational goals.

Learn about the essential components of your IT budget in our newly updated municipal IT budgeting guide.

Or request a call with one of our municipal specialists today by filling out the form below.

Let's talk about how VC3 can help you AIM higher.